Extremely Powerful Nickel Metal Hydride Battery.

Product Description
The CONDOR is an extremely powerful 200Ah second generation Nickel Metal Hydride Battery.
With its vast range of working temperature, -20°C to 60°C . These batteries can cover all areas of deployment, from the Arctic through to the Tropics. Both the outer and inside of the case have been treated with a special nylon coating which is resistant to most chemicals, including acid.
A four-segment LED display shows the battery indicator, simple press to test button. Built in analytical computer allows information to be down loaded from the battery. All plugs and sockets are AMPHENOL and are totally waterproof, complete with dust caps. The purpose designed RMBC 200, charging unit, charges the battery in less than 9 hours. 600 recharges cycle life are the minimum, after this the unit can be returned for a cell change and software update to give another 600 cycles.
Designed as a long term deployment 12 volt power source. A general-purpose battery with a very wide variety of uses, such as, Covert, Medical, Remote unmanned re-broadcast station and many more.